System shock remaster cancelled
System shock remaster cancelled

system shock remaster cancelled system shock remaster cancelled

As the budget grew, we began a long series of conversations with potential publishing partners. With the switch, we began envisioning doing more, but straying from the core concepts of the original title. As our concept grew and as our team changed, so did the scope of what we were doing and with that the budget for the game. We shifted engines from Unity to Unreal, a choice that we don’t regret and one that has worked out for us. We moved from a Remaster to a completely new game. The CEO of Nightdive Studios, Stephen Kick, issued the following statement: Apparently, the team “took the wrong path and turned its backs to its backers.” Who is to blame for all of this? It all seemed to be going well until the entire development efforts were halted. The main reason behind its mediocrity was linked to a rather steep learning curve and confusing level layouts.įast forward to our recent days, a company named Nightdive Studios launched a Kickstarter project that aimed to recreate the classic title. More importantly, it paved the way for other important titles. While it wasn’t exactly a blockbuster, it did keep its development company afloat.

system shock remaster cancelled

Back in 1994, the action-adventure game System Shock managed to sell 170,000 copies.

System shock remaster cancelled